February 15th, 2019 update release includes the following features/updates:
Feedback from Pope Tech’s Community implemented:
- Reporting by Region/Template
- Run reports on scans by any date
- Additional table sorting
- Shibboleth Single Sign on integration
Other updates, flow fixes or bug fixes:
- Infrastructure update on WAVE engine
- Scheduled scan and report logic updates
- Over time over multiple years and color bug
- Update to url verification on creating websites
Reporting by Region/Template
Reporting by region is currently in beta with some test users and will be rolling out shortly as an option for all platform users. It allows users to be able to set which parts of a page are content vs template.
For example on a site with 15,000 pages you could specify that the HTML id of content is the content area the rest is the template. From this you can see all reporting categories (Errors, Alerts, Contrast Errors, Features, Structure and ARIA) that are content and those that are template.

The dashboard and scan details page can be filtered to content, template or all.

Users can be given access to only see content, template or see all issues.

Run reports on scans by any date
The report can now be set to run the latest scan from any date you set, by default it is the latest scan from when the report is ran.
In the create report screen you can specify the Start date to run a report from last year for example.

Infrastructure update on WAVE engine
The Wave Engine powering our scans received a major update, the core rules and logic are the same but the process of running a headless browser and scanning the pages has been updated.
This update has improved some pages that weren’t being scanned to now be scanned. It will also allow us to scan behind logins and run scripts on the pages being scanned to imitate user interactions. These updates will be exposed inside of the Pope Tech scanning interface.