Pope Tech release notes for November 2020.
Nov, 16 2020 – Canvas Accessibility Guide Update
Documents and Videos

With this update the Document section has been updated to be the “Documents and Videos” section. New results were added to detect YouTube Videos, Canvas embedded videos and Canvas embedded audio. These are all alerts that require manual testing by the user.
In addition the document detection logic was updated to detect internal Canvas documents that don’t have a document extension in the link.
Other Accessibility Guide updates
- Detect if first heading isn’t an h2 (Alert)
- Support for the Accessibility Guide on creation of all supported Canvas content types (Page, Syllabus, Quiz description, Discussion Topic, Assignment, Announcement)
- When converting a possible list to a semantic list it now removes the old non-semantic list styling (*, -, etc).
- A conflict that sometimes occurred with the Canvas regrading functionality was resolved.
- An issue with some users with very limited user permissions not seeing the guide was resolved.
- A bug was fixed for underlined text not saving
Nov, 13 2020
When editing a website you can now change the root domain. This will update all pages and should be used when a domain is migrated from one domain to another. For example if mydomain.com was changed to mynewdomain.com.