
Pope Tech Update Oct 16, 2018

October 16th, 2018 update release includes the following features/updates:

Feedback from Pope Tech’s Community implemented:

Other updates, flow fixes or bug fixes:

  • update crawler logic
  • long urls in tables overlapping
  • Website scan history
  • Better messages on pages that don’t scan

Individual Scan View

The individual Scan page allows you to see an interactive report of what a specific scan was whether it was the latest scan or a previous one. We have found this a very useful view for accessibility remediation and working on a specific website.

The Individual scan page can be accessed from the scan details page by navigating to the action of a specific scan, the scan details dashboard widget, or from a specific website view.

In the header you can see which website the scan was for, the time it was started, and how many pages were scanned. For example in the screenshot above you can see this scan was of 364 pages and took 4 minutes.

This is followed by an overview that is similar to the Overview and Most Common Issues widgets on the main dashboard but is specific to one website scan. The difference is you can see the change for each category since the last scan. For example in the screenshot above this website has 753 less errors than the previous scan of the same website. When you drill into one of the categories it will change the filter for the pages and results types below.

Pages and Result Types

The pages widget has two tabs, one for the pages that scanned and one for those that didn’t. The pages that didn’t scan would most likely be if a page didn’t return a 200 response code. The reason is provided in the not scanned table.

The pages that did scan table shows how many of each category type are on each page. For example in the example below it is filtered to Alerts, the FAQ page has 1 error and 14 alerts and in the Result Types widget you can see there are 3 alerts on this website with very small text being found 2x on 1 page.

From here you can navigate to the page detail of the scan.

Scan Page Detail

The scan page detail lets you see how many of each Category type and issue are on a page, you can filter the results by navigating to any category such as Errors. From here you can access the Accessibility tips and line of Code for each item.

Responsive Design (mobile-friendly)

With this update there was a major update for how Pope Tech’s platform looks and functions on mobile devices.

On smaller devices such as the Pixel 2 screenshot shown below the navigation collapses by default and space is optimized. We had some fun adding a website, scanning it and reviewing the results right from our phone.

Website scan history

On a specific website view there is a new widget that has the scan and crawl history for that website. From this widget you can access the specific scan results that correspond.