June 10th 2019 Update

This update included a full update to the interface to be more consistent and user friendly. It includes many little updates and some bigger ones such as being responsive. Below are a few of the bigger items. No major flow changes were made with this update. Feedback from Pope Tech’s Community implemented: UI Update Responsive/Mobile…

Pope Tech Report

Report Options Update

Feedback from Pope Tech’s Community implemented: Additional Report Sections Report Settings New HTML Report Format New CSV Report Format Additional Report Sections We made a few cosmetic adjustments and added a few new sections to the existing PDF report. There is now a Websites Summary if there are more than 1 website in the report…

Pope Tech Update Feb 15, 2019

February 15th, 2019 update release includes the following features/updates: Feedback from Pope Tech’s Community implemented: Reporting by Region/Template Run reports on scans by any date Additional table sorting Shibboleth Single Sign on integration Other updates, flow fixes or bug fixes: Infrastructure update on WAVE engine Scheduled scan and report logic updates Over time over multiple years and color bug Update to…