
June-Sep 2021 Release Notes

Pope Tech release notes for June – September 2021.

Want to know what has been updated recently at Pope Tech? You are in the right place. These release notes include all updates, including small updates and bug fixes.

Any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to contact us.

August 19, 2021

  • Improvement to WAVE core to account for case insensitivity found on lang attributes. Before this update there was a period where some lang results were falsely reporting as an error.
  • Fixed bug for API token generation when a user was an SSO user.

August 2, 2021

  • Dismissed results and code view were not matching in some specific instances where the html of the page being scanned was invalid html. Updated this to handle this scenario and still work as expected.

July 22, 2021

  • Fixed issue where dashboard was staying cached with old results after a scan was completed. The dashboard now updates as expected.

July 14, 2021

  • Fixed issue with empty button’s being counted as errors when they had a valid aria-label

June 30, 2021

  • Improved SSO login flow. Previously it would redirect when an SSO domain or user was added to the username field without warning. With this update it detects the SSO user and lets the user submit the form or toggle back to a traditional password if they aren’t an SSO user.

June 8, 2021

  • Some crawl related checks such as robots.txt and sitemap were happening from outside of the NAT Gateway and had alternative IP addresses. Users allowing Pope Tech crawlers behind a firewall by IP address were blocking these checks. This was resolved so all checks happen from the same IP address as the crawl and scan servers.
  • Fixed issue affecting a small number of pages that weren’t scanning

June 4, 2021

  • Fixed issue with large reports that was affecting a small number of websites. Affected users were notified.

Instructor Accessibility Guide (Canvas LMS) updates

  • Example button was defaulting to the documentation tab. This was changed to go directly to the examples.
  • Heading outline “?” button didn’t have any documentation. This was resolved.

For other recent update view May 2021 Release Notes.