Missing alternative text example
The image below is missing alternative text. Run the WAVE extension to see the missing alternative text error.
Sunsets at the beach are especially beautiful because they’re near water. Sunsets near water experience a phenomenon called “scattering.” This means shorter, bluer light wavelengths are scattering more, which makes the sky look red, orange, and yellow.

Suspicious alternative text example
The image below has suspicious alternative text because it starts with “image of.” Run the WAVE extension to see the suspicious alternative text alert.
Delicate Arch was made by moving underground salt beds against overlying sandstone. This combined with water and ice eroded the sandstone into the dramatic arch shape.

Alternative text feature example
The image below has alternative text. Run the WAVE extension to see the alternative text feature and review the alternative text. Remember, just because an image has alternative text, doesn’t mean it’s correct. That’s why it’s important to change alternative text features too.
The redwood trees grow tall because they’ve adapted to absorb moisture from the constant fog. They’re also good at surviving with pest-resistant wood, fire-resistant bark, and the ability to regrow damaged trunks and branches.

Null (or no) alternative text example
The image below doesn’t have alternative text – it has an empty alt tag in the HTML. Oftentimes, if you leave the alternative text field empty in your CMS it will automatically leave the alt tag empty in the HTML. This marks the image as decorative, which means it isn’t communicating any content.
Alcatraz was once a fort, a military prison, and a maximum security federal penitentiary. It was built on a small island off the coast of California.