Pope Tech can detect Canvas Studio video captions after entering a Canvas Studio Token key into Pope Tech. This article will take you through the process step by step.
Users must have Admin access to Canvas Studio and Pope Tech to set this up for an account.
Get token information from Canvas Studio
- Login to Canvas.
- From the left Global Navigation, select Studio.
- Select Settings > Developer keys.
- Select + Developer Key and complete the form with the information below:
- Name: Pope Tech
- Redirect URL: https://canvas-lti.pope.tech/lti/canvas-studio/oauth-callback
- Select Save Key.
- The Pope Tech key should now show in the Developer Keys list. In the Secret column, select Show for the Pope Tech key you just created.
- Copy and paste the Client ID and the Secret for use later.
Now you have your Client ID and Secret to enter in to Pope Tech.
Enter Canvas Studio token information into Pope Tech
- From the left Global Navigation, select Admin and then account you want to connect Pope Tech with Canvas Studio.
- From the Admin Navigation menu, select Pope Tech Accessibility.
- Select Settings > Canvas Studio tab.
- Select Enable Canvas Studio caption detection integration? and paste in the Client ID and Secret
- Update the Canvas Studio OAuth Authorization Code URL and Canvas Studio OAuth Token URL fields.
- Replace [your_instance_host] in the URL for both these fields with your Canvas’s instance hostname.
- For example, if my Canvas instance URL is myuniversity.instructure.com, I’d replace [your_instance_host] with myuniversity making the Canvas Studio OAuth Authorization Code URL field be: https://myuniversity.instructuremedia.com/api/public/oauth/authorize.
- Paste the Client ID and Secret you got from Studio in the Cavnas Studio Client ID and Secret fields.
- Select Save.
- Select Generate new token with my account and confirm the browser prompt to continue.
- Log in with your Canvas account credentials and authorize Pope Tech to access Studio.
Confirm connection
You can confirm that Canvas Studio and Pope Tech are properly connected by following these steps:
- Confirm you’re still in the Canvas Studio tab in Pope Tech’s Admin Settings (steps 1-3 above).
- In the Canvas Studio Background Token widget, select Show token details.
- You should now see your email (or the email of whoever set up the token) in the User Email field.