
Jan 2022 Release Notes

Pope Tech release notes for January 2022.

Want to know what has been updated recently at Pope Tech? You are in the right place. These release notes include all updates, including small updates and bug fixes.

Any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to contact us.

January 27, 2022

  • fixed issue with group reports not finishing if one or more websites in the reports had all of the pages deleted
  • optimized reports for performance

January 25, 2022

  • Fixed issue with zoom 200-400% for groups and datepicker getting cut off.
  • added label to 3 navigation landmarks on every page (main menu, user menu, and breadcrumbs).
  • updated user setting menu to close with keyboard like it does with a mouse.
  • Updated puppeteer and Chromium versions to latest versions.

January 22, 2022

Two-factor authentication support

Added support for two-factor authentication (2fa). To turn this on go to your personal settings found in the top right menu with your name.

There is a new “Two-Factor authentication” tab where you can enable 2fa.

screenshot of Two-factor authentication settings tab open for setup

The user list view now has a new column to indicate which users have 2fa enabled.

Bulk-edit for scheduled scans

screenshot of editing schedule scans modal. Ability to edit the period, start date and reports.

You can now select multiple scheduled scans and change options of the selected scheduled scans. We will be adding this for websites in the near future.

Replaced all toast messages with dismissible notifications

screenshot of error at the top of the page with close button

This improves the consistency of success and error messages throughout the application and improves accessibility. We will be adding links to relevant Help Center articles for error notifications in the near future.

screenshot of success at the top of the widget

Notifications happen either at the top of the section, widget or page. Focus is set to the notification.

Other updates

  • Fixed issue with filtering reports to a specific website.
  • Migrated authentication to Cookie authentication and updated login URL to be login.pope.tech. The old URL redirects to the new one.
  • Added remember me option to login to not have the session timeout.
  • Added org setting found in security tab to change session to expire on browser close.
  • Fixed issue with the user group not always populating when editing a user.
  • Fixed issue with breadcrumbs for result details when a URL was directly loaded the breadcrumbs would default to errors even if on another category.

Jan 18, 2022

For other recent update view Dec 2021 Release Notes.