Creating an Organizational Accessibility Strategy

You might be wondering where to get started with web accessibility for your organization. Mapping out an accessibility strategy can be a great starting point. This article is a practical approach to thinking about organizational web accessibility.

Empty form label icon

Empty form label – example

Summary: Real world example of the Empty form label Error. You can review what this means technically and the impact inside of our Results dictionary. Today I am only looking at this from the perspective of a Empty form label Error found on a higher ed website from our Higher Ed in 4k project. Example…

WAVE Broken ARIA Menu icon

Broken ARIA menu – example

Summary: Real world example of the Broken ARIA menu Error. You can review what this means technically and the impact inside of our Results dictionary. Today I am only looking at this from the perspective of a Broken ARIA menu Error found on a higher ed website from our Higher Ed in 4k project. Example…

Missing or uninformative page title documentation

Missing or uninformative page title – example

Summary: Real world example of the Missing or uninformative page title Error. You can review what this means technically and the impact inside of our Results dictionary. Today I am only looking at this from the perspective of a Missing or uninformative page title Error found on a higher ed website from our Higher Ed…

WAVE contrast checker

Very Low Contrast – example

Summary: Real world example of the Very Low Contrast Error. You can review what this means technically and the impact inside of our Icon dictionary. Today I am only looking at this from the perspective of a Very Low Contrast Error found on a higher ed website from our Higher Ed in 4k project. Contrast…