Gamifying Web Accessibility

Gamifying Web Accessibility

A look at a progressive methodology to gamify and improve your web accessibility.

When I was a kid, many of the action-based video games had lower-level goons that I had to first beat until I finally progressed far enough to reach the boss-villain.

Graph of errors over time starting at 750,000 and decreasing to 400,00

Consistency is the secret sauce of web accessibility

I recently noticed that one of our Pope Tech clients, a university, was able to resolve over 350,000 accessibility errors in less than two months

What was their secret?

How do I make my website ADA compliant?

An introduction to ADA compliance for your website and why it is more productive to focus on accessibility over compliance.

2 Web Accessibility Myths and The Truth

As more organizations are becoming aware of web accessibility there are 2 web accessibility myths that are increasingly thrown around. Both of these myths lead to less accessible websites.