Dismissing a result means it won’t show in the Accessibility Guide, dashboard, or reports.
In this article, you’ll learn how to:
- Turn on dismiss results
- Dismiss results in the Accessibility Guide
- Dismiss results in the Dashboard
- Review dismissed results in the dashboard
- Edit dismissed results
About dismissing results
- All users can dismiss results from the Accessibility Guide and Dashboard.
- You can only dismiss Errors and Alerts.
- Before dismissing a result, review it to make sure it’s not an accessibility issue. If it’s an issue, it should be documented or fixed.
Turn on dismiss results
Dismiss results is an organizational setting that an Admin needs to turn on. To turn it on, follow these steps:
- Go to the Admin Pope Tech Accessibility dashboard in Canvas.
- Select Settings.
- Check Enable dismissed results?
- Select Save.

Dismiss results in the Accessibility Guide
You can dismiss results while reviewing and fixing issues with the Accessibility Guide. To dismiss an Error or Alert result type from the Accessibility Guide, follow these steps:
- Open the accessibility result in the Accessibility Guide.
- Select Dismiss.
- Type a reason for the dismissal.
- If this same exact content is found throughout your course, select Dismiss this HTML everywhere it is found on this course? This dismisses the result anywhere the code is the exact same as this instance.
- If the HTML is slightly different, uncheck Exact Match? and change the HTML to what is the same for each instance.
- Select Dismiss Result.
The result is now removed from the Accessibility Guide, Dashboard, and reports.
Dismiss results in the Dashboard
You can dismiss results from the Admin, Course, or My dashboard views. Follow these steps to dismiss results in the Dashboard:
- Drill down from the dashboard to an accessibility result.
- Select the View Code/Dismiss Result button. The code view will open with the code and code line highlighted.
- Select the checkbox next to the code line and any other code lines you want to dismiss.
- Select Dismiss.
- Type a reason for the dismissal.
- If this same exact content is found throughout your course, select Dismiss this HTML everywhere it is found on this course? This dismisses the result anywhere the code is the exact same as this instance.
- If the HTML is slightly different, uncheck Exact Match? and change the HTML to what is the same for each instance.
- Select Dismiss Result.
The result is now removed from the Accessibility Guide, Dashboard, and reports.
Review dismissed results
You can review all the results you’ve dismissed from the Admin, Course, or My dashboard views. Follow these steps to review dismissed results:
- From the Dashboard, go to the Results per course (if you’re on an Admin dashboard or My dashboard) or Overview (if you’re on a course dashboard) widget.
- Select the Dismissed button.
Now you’re on the Dismissed Results view. You can view all dismissed results, their course, content block, category (alert or error) type, and status here. You can also tell who dismissed it and when. There are filters to sort by category, type, course, user, and status.

Edit dismissed results
Updating a dismissed result to inactive or deleting the result adds it back to the dashboard and reports. Setting it to inactive keeps the dismissed result’s notes and log of who dismissed it while deleting it removes all associated notes.
Follow these steps to update a dismissed result’s status or delete it:
- From the Dismissed Results view, select the Detail button.
- On the Edit Dismissed Result view, select Update Status or Delete.