CSV Page Upload

Summary: This Pope Tech Tip covers how to upload a CSV file to append a website’s URI list.

Pope Tech Accessibility Results Dictionary

Summary: The Results Icon Dictionary contains all of the Results Icons used in the Pope Tech Platform. The icons are organized into 6 different scanning results categories. The dictionary explains what each icon means, why it matters for accessibility, how to fix it, and provides additional information on relevant WCAG or 508 criteria.


How to use the Dashboard

Summary: An overview on how the Dashboard works. The six primary widgets of the dashboard are explained in greater detail.

How to manage Users, Roles and Permissions

Organizations can add as many users as they would like to their scanning accounts and assign each user a different role and permissions. This guide covers the following User management features in the Pope Tech scanning platform: Accessing User Management Tools Viewing, Adding and Managing Users Viewing Users (User List) Adding a User Editing a…

How to manage groups

The Pope Tech web accessibilty scanning platform allows for a flexible approach to grouping your websites. This was designed with everything from complex statewide education entities down to a single credit union in mind. Once set, groups interact with everything inside of the platform including user access, dashboard views and reporting. Setting up groups Once…