
Release Notes – 2024

Pope Tech release notes for 2024.

Want to know what has been updated recently at Pope Tech? You are in the right place. These release notes include all updates, including small updates and bug fixes.

The Release Notes include updates for both Pope Tech products, the Web Accessibility Platform (scan websites) and Canvas Accessibility Dashboard (scan courses).

Any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to contact us.

April 19th Updates

The Pope Tech scanning engine was updated to the latest version of WAVE. This updated the scanning engine for the Web Accessibility Platform, Inspect, Canvas Scanning and the Accessibility Guide. The updated includes the following:

  • Testing color contrast errors when transparency is used for a text color. For example previously text that had transparency such as “color: rgba(38, 50, 56, 0.5)” wasn’t tested by Pope Tech. Now this is tested and if were on a white background would correctly identify this as a contrast error. This may correctly result in an increase in errors when transparency is used.
  • Updated YouTube video Alert icon.
  • Improvements to contrast efficiency and fixes for specific hidden content and ARIA scenarios.

This update also includes infrastructure updates to all Pope Tech services along with specific updates to both Pope Tech Products listed below.

Web Accessibility Platform Updates

  • User name field was split into first and last name, first name is required. This makes it easier to communicate with users.
  • Fixed issue with Jira integration related to assigning a ticket to a specific Jira user.
  • Improved validation on Jira ticket creation.
  • Updated Title of exportable reports to be “{name} – Accessibility Report”
  • Updated filename of exportable reports to be “pope-tech-report-{name}-{date}-{time}.{ext}” to make it easier to identify reports when multiple reports are ran the same day.
  • Improved validation for co-branding file upload with incorrect filetypes.
  • Fixed issue with delete confirmation hitting escape still deleting entity.
  • Fixed issue with website auth validation when switching back and forth from one authentication type to another.
  • Newsletter and product updates opt in added to new user registration flow.
  • Ability to manage newsletter preferences including product updates from your user settings. Can be found by clicking on your name in the top right and then settings.

Canvas Accessibility Dashboard Updates

screenshot of accessibility guide in canvas detecting a Kaltura Video

  • Added Kaltura video detection. Now when a Kaltura video is embedded on a website or inside of a Canvas course it will show as an Alert.
  • Fixed issue with Reset courses being duplicated in Dashboard.
  • Updated content blocks category filter so contrast errors are included in the errors category to match the rest of the dashboard.
  • Updated Accessibility Guide Remove underline link to match updated Canvas logic so the Alert correctly goes away.
  • Fixed issue in Accessibility Guide with Possible list fix not always applying.
  • Removed one click when drilling into results from the course dashboard so the course doesn’t have to be reselected.

Feb 12th Updates – Web Accessibility Platform

Fixed issue with overtime graph not populating recent data.

Feb 5th Updates

Web Accessibility Platform updates

  • Added View All link to Scan Details widget in the dashboard. This new view allows you to see all websites scan detail summary in one view and filter on websites.
  • Fixed issue with Not Scanned tab totals not showing in the in the Scan Details View.
  • Fixed issue where group name wasn’t populating when editing a website in some cases.
  • Improved inactive filter for pages widget when editing a website to show redirected pages that were archived.
  • Fixed issue with csv page upload when pages have a sub directory in the base URL.

Canvas Accessibility Dashboard Updates

  • Fixed issue with reports when using Separate Documents and Videos settings and improved display of videos and documents in reports.
  • Added token management to Canvas admin settings, when Canvas is first installed an admin token is used and as the main token for scanning. This now lets admins update this if the original admin who did the installation leaves or loses access inside of Canvas.

January 23rd Updates

This update included an update to the WAVE core engine for Pope Tech scanners. This update improved the handling of display: none on labels.

Web Accessibility Platform updates

  • Added granular permissions in roles when a user has the Manage users permission but not the Manage roles permission. Now which roles can be assigned to a user are set when editing their role.
  • In user list added a new column called, “All Groups” that is hidden by default. If a user is assigned to multiple groups all groups they are assigned to will show in this column. The default Parent Group column only shows the highest parent group they are assigned to.
  • Fixed issue with inconsistent feedback in the interface when starting a group scan with hundreds of websites.

Canvas Accessibility Dashboard Updates

  • Updated Admin Dashboard Settings to be separated into tabs making it easier to use.
  • Fixed issue where typing in a hex code in the contrast tools wasn’t auto updating the pass or fail status.

For additional recent updates view Release Notes – 2023.