Angular, Accessibility, and You

The motivation behind this post is that technical resources for implementing accessibility techniques, especially with modern Javascript frameworks like Angular, are very sparse. There also seems to be a misconception that modern Javascript frameworks impede your ability to make your web application accessible. While there are some accessibility pitfalls involved in using frameworks like Angular,…

WebAIM Web Accessibility Training Q&A with James Pope

Summary: James Pope, one of the Partners at Pope Tech, attended WebAIM’s Accessibility Training. We asked him a few questions about his experience at the training and recorded his answers. What were your expectations going into the WebAIM Training? Prior to WebAIM training and working on our scanning platform, the only experience I had with…

Pope Tech Accessibility Results Dictionary

Summary: The Results Icon Dictionary contains all of the Results Icons used in the Pope Tech Platform. The icons are organized into 6 different scanning results categories. The dictionary explains what each icon means, why it matters for accessibility, how to fix it, and provides additional information on relevant WCAG or 508 criteria.

Web of ambiguous links including click here and read more

“Click Here” to “Read More”: Why Ambiguous Links are Problematic

Summary: To review why ambiguous links like “Click Here” and “Read More” present problems for accessibility, usability, and SEO. What are Ambiguous Links? An ambiguous link is a link where its purpose cannot be determined by an examination of the link outside of its surrounding web content (its context). In other words, the link text…

WebAIM Web Accessibility Training Q&A with Mark Pope

Summary: Mark Pope was recently hired and on his first day we sent him to the WebAIM training here in Logan, Utah. We asked him a few questions about his experience at the training and recorded his answers. What Were Your Expectations Going into the WebAIM Training? I actually didn’t know what to expect. Learning about…