Pope Tech release notes for April 2022.
Want to know what has been updated recently at Pope Tech? You are in the right place. These release notes include all updates, including small updates and bug fixes.
Any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to contact us.
April 20, 2022
This update includes lots of feedback from customers, we really appreciate your feedback.
Advanced Authentication
With advanced Authentication you can now do the following:
- Authentication with only one field, for example a passcode
- Authentication with 3 or more fields, for example a region other field besides a username and password
- Authentication where the username and password fields are on different pages
- Authentication where a user has to click something first to get to it

The advanced authentication is organized by steps that you can configure in any order. It supports the following step options:
- Click
- Select Option (for a select html element)
- Wait for Selector
- Wait for Time
Mass Edit Websites

With the mass edit of websites you can now edit many or all websites at once.
You can change the group, along with most crawler, scanner, or template options that would apply across multiple websites. In addition you can reset these options back to the organization default settings.
Custom Preset for Result Details Report Option

This can be found in the “Reports” tab in the Organization setting. With this update you can create any combination of Pope Tech results as a report preset. Then when you create a Result Details Report that preset is available to select as an option.

Other Updates
This release also includes the following updates:
- Added prompt for new users, the very first time a new user logs in they now see a prompt that introduces the Help Center.
- Ability to add existing users to other orgs. Previously these had to be added by the Pope Tech Support team. Now they are the same as new users.
- Users can now edit their own display name in their user settings.
- Fixed issue where existing users in multiple roles sometimes didn’t show based on their permission.
- New permissions for who can submit support requests and accessibility help desk requests. This is turned on by default for all existing, or new roles.
- Added ability to sort by url for page listing when editing a website.
- Fixed issue with page jump when multiple filters were added in the crawler options.
- Updated group csv to show the group name instead of the group id.
- Added blocked host option to organization defaults.
- Added inline links to Help Center articles.
- Added new filter in user list for user role.
- Improved error messages for when group scans have specific websites that don’t start. It now lists each website and why it didn’t start.
New Help Center Articles
- Groups Overview (video)
- Create, manage, and use Groups (video)
- Scanner options (video)
- Crawler options (video)
- Get started with the Canvas Accessibility Guide
New Accessibility Resources
- Monthly accessibility focus and training resources
- Alternative text training resources
- Alternative text (alt text)
For other recent updates view Feb 2022 Release Notes.