Contacting Support

Summary: Logged in users of the Pope Tech Web Accessibility dashboard can directly submit support requests and give customer feedback. All annual accounts will have an additional option to submit accessibility questions using the Accessibility Help Desk. Skip to Contacting Support Skip to Give Customer Feedback Skip to Accessibility Help Desk Contacting Support All Pope…

Instructor Accessibility Guide Results Dictionary

Summary: A complete list of all Results Icons used in the Pope Tech Instructor Accessibility Guide. Errors Items flagged by the error icon are accessibility errors that need to be fixed. Missing alternative text Linked image missing alternative text Empty heading Empty link Empty table header Very Low Contrast Alerts Alerts likely have an accessibility impact but…

Example of Reporting Dashboard

Accessibility Reporting: Formats and Types

Summary: Pope Tech exportable Accessibility reports can be customized to fit your diverse accessibility needs. Exportable reporting formats include: Email Overview, HTML, CSV, and PDF in addition to the reporting inside of the Pope Tech platform. For information on how to create reports, please review Website Accessibility Reporting. Reporting options and information included in this…